“Ktor: The Backend Framework That Makes Android Development a Breeze”

4 min readDec 25, 2022

Yo, you heard it right.
As an Android developer, you may have realized the importance of having a backend for your app to store and retrieve data, authenticate users, and handle other server-side tasks. If you’re looking to start your backend development journey, Ktor might be a good option to consider.

Ktor is an open-source framework for building web applications in Kotlin, the official programming language for Android development. It’s designed to be lightweight, modular, and easy to use, making it a good choice for building simple to complex backend systems.

Here are some steps to get started with Ktor backend development:

  1. Install the necessary tools: To start using Ktor, you will need to have the Kotlin compiler and the Ktor library installed on your machine. You can install these tools using the Kotlin command-line compiler and the Ktor Gradle plugin, respectively.
  2. Set up a new Ktor project: To create a new Ktor project, you can use the Ktor generator tool to set up a basic project structure and configuration. The Ktor generator will create a new directory with a main file, a build file, and a few other files and directories.
  3. Define routes and handlers: In Ktor, routes are the paths that the server listens to and handles. You can define routes in the main file of your Ktor project using the routing DSL (Domain-Specific Language). To handle a route, you can specify a handler function that will be called when the route is accessed.
  4. Serve static files: Ktor has built-in support for serving static files, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. You can specify a directory for static files in the configuration file and access them using the static route in your Ktor project.
  5. Connect to a database: To store and retrieve data in your Ktor project, you will need to connect to a database. Ktor supports a variety of different databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. You can use a library like Exposed or JDBC to connect to the database and perform queries.

By following these steps, you should be able to get started with Ktor backend development and create a basic web application. As you gain more experience with Ktor, you can explore more advanced features and techniques, such as authentication, authorization, and deployment.

Enough talk right ? Let’s code.

Let’s enjoy a small example of a Ktor application that demonstrates how to handle GET and POST requests. We’ll also look at how to parse and send data in these requests, as well as how to connect to a database and serve static files.

Here is the code for a simple Ktor application that handles GET and POST requests:

import io.ktor.application.*
import io.ktor.features.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.request.*
import io.ktor.response.*
import io.ktor.routing.*

fun Application.main() {
install(ContentNegotiation) {
// Configure content negotiation here

routing {
get("/") {
val name = call.request.queryParameters["name"]
call.respondText("Hello, $name!", ContentType.Text.Plain)

post("/") {
val data = call.receive<MyData>()
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Received data: $data")

data class MyData(val text: String)

In this example, the get route handles GET requests to the root path of the server. It reads a query parameter called “name” and returns a greeting message with the value of the “name” parameter.

The post route handles POST requests to the root path of the server. It reads the body of the request and converts it to a MyData object using the receive function. It then returns a message with the received data.

Handling Data in Requests

To parse and send data in Ktor requests, you can use the request and response objects provided by the framework.

To read data from a request, you can use the request object and its various properties and functions. For example, to read query parameters from a GET request, you can use the queryParameters property. To read the body of a POST request, you can use the receive function to convert the body to a specific data type.

To send data in a response, you can use the response object and its various functions. For example, to send a plain text response, you can use the respondText function. To send a JSON response, you can use the respond function and pass it a data object and the appropriate content type.

Overall, Ktor is a great choice for Android developers looking to start their backend development journey. Its simplicity and modular design make it easy to learn and use, while its support for Kotlin makes it a natural fit for Android development.

